Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan Bagi Sektor Ekonomi
Good day and hope all in good health.
Referring the “Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan Bagi Sektor Ekonomi”, MITI would like to recommend companies in their respective industries to register voluntarily in the vaccination programme with at least 80% of company employees (local and foreign). In this respect, we seek your cooperation to register for the vaccination programme through MySejahtera application and the website which will help facilitate the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in the implementation of the programme.
As you may aware, the programme covers three (3) phases as follows:
- Phase 1 (February to May 2021) – for frontliners;
- Phase 2 (April to August 2021) – for high-risk groups such as the elderly and patients with comorbid diseases; and
- Phase 3 (May 2021 to February 2022) – for groups other than Phase 1 and 2.
Kindly submit your company and personnel details by filling in the template as attached to the following officers:
- Norafizah Mohd Riza
- Hazel Lo Moong Hua
- Fahd Jamaludin
All information to be submitted to the above before next Friday, 19 March 2021.